Wednesday, November 17, 2010

tantsimine on kui õhk! + edit 1 & 2

...ilma tantsimiseta lihtsalt enam ei saa!
Ja just nii ongi - nagu seal videos;)

Hakkasin siin lugema Simone Weili "Oppression and Liberty" (esmalt ilmus Pariisis, 1955, ' Oppression et Liberté '). Mõned tsitaadid:

* We are in a period of transition; but a transition towards what? No one has the slightest idea. (lk 1)

* Certainly, we can always go on believing that socialism will arrive the day after tomorrow, and make a duty or a virtue of this belief; so long as we go on taking, day by day, the day after tomorrow to mean the next day but one after today, we shall be sure not to be disappointed; but such a state of mind is difficult to distinguish from that of those worthy people who believe, for instance, in the Last Judgment. (lk 1-2)

* Let us spare ourselves the disillusionments of those who, having fought for Libery, Equality, Fraternity, discovered one fine day that what they had got was, as Marx says, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery. (lk 2)

* Descartes used to say that a clock out of order is not an exception to the laws governing clocks, but a different mechanism obeying its own laws; in the same way we should regard the Stalin régime, not as a workers' State out of order, but as a different social mechanism, whose definition is to be found in the nature of those wheels. (lk 4-5)

* No workers' State has ever yet existed on the earth's surface, except for a few weeks in Paris in 1871, and perhaps for a few months in Russia in 1917 and 1918. (lk 6)

* [...] there are clichés serving as an escape from the painful obligation of having to think. (lk 6)

Tõeline tsitaadiraamat oleks ilmselt "Gravity and Grace" (' La Pesanteur et la Grâce ', 1947), mida olen peaasjalikult vaid elektroonilisel kujul sirvinud. Ühesõnaga: meeldib mulle see lugemine! Ja nagu näha: "mõned sünnivad postuumselt" (nagu Nietzsche ütleks), sest Simone Weili eluaastad olid teatavasti 1909 - 1943.
Ehkki, nagu ma aru saan, vähemalt too sissejuhatav tekst Prospects: Are we heading for the Proletarian Revolution? ilmus juba aastal 1933, sest artikli lõpus seisab: Revolution prolétarienne, No. 158, 25th August, 1933. Enamus tekstide puhul on lihtsalt sulgudes märgitud vastav aastaarv või nt viide, et "leitud peale Simone'i surma". Jne. Ühtki täispikka raamatut Simone'i kirjutistest tema eluajal minu teada ei avaldatud.

Edit 2: 
Üks video, millele sattusin:

...teemalt suht äraleierdatud, aga sellegipoolest ei vaidle vastu (va filmi päris viimased mõtted) ja minu meelest täitsa tore 'kokkuvõte'.

Sellega seoses ka järgnev pilt:

...ja osalt ka järgmine:

Inimesed on ikka toredad loomad, kas pole!?:)

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